Shift Payments - Having issues adding a bank account?

We’ve set up Roo so that you can be paid out fast! You can input your bank account information when you set up your profile, and all payments will be direct deposited into this account. Once you complete a relief shift and rate the hospital, we trigger your payment to be processed within 2 business days.

When you sign up for Roo, you can use Plaid to add your bank account information. Plaid is a secure service, which allows you to sign in to your bank directly. You’ll be able to manually enter your banking information as well if Plaid does not support your banking institution.

Add a Bank to your Roo Account by selecting:

  • Settings > My Account (Manage settings related to your own account)
    • scroll down to Banking Information > and press Add Bank.

Once you’ve linked an account, we’ll send a microdeposit as a test just to confirm your money is going to the right place.

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 12.32.33 PM.png

If you're experiencing issues connecting your bank, try these steps:

  • Make sure you’ve verified your micro-deposits (You may have to wait 1-2 business days).
  • Clear your cache and cookies in your browser history, then try to re-add your banking information.

If you’re still having issues, please use this link to submit a request and receive quick support from our team.


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