Shift Requests: Open, expired, and missing shift requests explained

Review Open Shift Request | Help Confirming a Shift

You can see all of your open shift requests in your Roo dashboard.

Missing Shift Request:

If you notice a shift request from a Roo Vet or Tech has gone away, it’s possible that:

  • They may have been confirmed at a different hospital on the same date
  • The shift request was canceled by the Vet or Tech 

Expired Shift Requests:

To ensure the best experience for our Roo Vets and Techs, shift requests with no response from the hospital expire after 72 hours.  

  • If you wish to confirm an Expired Shift Request, we can help if you let us know. We can reach out to the vet/tech to ask them to request the shift again or confirm with them directly if they are available.

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