Roo Payment Management: How to update bank information (card on file, bank account, or billing contacts)

Here's how payments work on Roo:
As soon as you confirm a Roo Vet or Tech for a shift, we charge your credit card or bank account. We then hold the money and pay it out to the vet or tech only after they complete their shift.


You'll only have to enter this information once, and we'll keep it on file for all future shifts. Need to update it later on? You can change this at any time in your account settings. Enter your credit card or bank information in your Roo account or by clicking this link

If you cannot pay by credit card or by bank account, please use this link to submit a new request for quick support or give us a call at 1-833-Roo-Vets, and we’ll do our best to find a solution that works for everyone.

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